Why the "high" price?

Firstly, price is relative. There are a lot of leather bags with prices much higher and then there are also with prices much lower. We understand that $249 isn’t low and this isn’t a product that you buy on impulse, but it isn’t high either.

Secondly, our leather is sourced from within the USA and we also manufacture our whiskey carrier in the USA. It’s well known that manufacturing in the USA is more expensive than most other countries, but we firmly believe that to give our customers the absolute best product experience, manufacturing in the USA is 100% the way to go. Not only because of the quality of construction, but also because of our brand values.

Then we have website costs, payment gateway costs, shipping costs as well as warehousing costs. Each one isn’t too expensive on its own, but they do add up. Also, seeing that we are a relatively new brand, we have to market our product somehow. This also adds extra cost to the product. In the end, we make between $10 to $20 Gross profit per product, which isn’t a lot. It just gives us enough freedom to develop our brand further and bring our fellow whiskey lovers better products in the future. We do this because of a burning passion for whiskey, but we also have to make a living somehow.

Okay, so why do all the above matter to you? You just want a cool whiskey carrier at the best possible price. We promise that as soon as you hold this carrier in your hands for the first time, $249 will feel like a bargain. The quality is up there with the best, the leather is up there with the best and the product is 100% unique. It will definitely add a different dynamic to your whiskey drinking experience.

And let’s be honest, if you know your bourbons and your whiskeys, you know $249 isn’t a ridiculous price for something that’s worth it.